C# IList Nedir Temel Açıklaması

C# IList Nedir Temel Açıklaması

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Then the person calling the method is free to call it with any veri type that is enumerable. This allows your code to be used in unexpected, but perfectly valid ways.

If someone passes you an Array or a List, your code will work fine if you check the flag every time and have a fallback... But really; who does that?

Remove Silinmesini matlup kıymeti siler. Silinecek ölçü liste ortamında yekten çokça olması durumunda ilk değeri kaldırır. Bu metodu genellikle referans tipler ile kırat çıkarmak dâhilin kullanılır. Fakat valör tipleri ile de kullanılabilir.

Basically, I need to see some actual code examples of how using IList would have solved some sorun over just taking List into everything.

then, say, if you had an array and wished to print their type names to the console, you would first have to create a new List and fill it with your types.

class Kisi string ad; string soyad; public string Ad get return ad; grup ad = value; public string Soyad get return soyad; kaş soyad = value;

From my reading I think I could have used IEnumberable instead of IList since I am just looping through stuff.

The idea is that you hide the implementation details from the user, and instead provide them with a stable interface. This is to reduce dependency on details that might change in the future.

Then later if you decide to convert the C# IList Kullanımı actual data store from a List to a Dictionary and expose the dictionary keys birli the actual value for the property (I have had to do exactly this before). Then consumers who have come to expect that their changes will be reflected inside of your class will no longer have that capability. That's a big sıkıntı! If you expose the C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır List kakım an IEnumerable you güç comfortably predict that your collection is not being modified externally. That is one of the powers of exposing List as any of the above interfaces.

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This is usually guaranteed for a specific implementation of a container (List documentation: "It implements the IList generic interface using an array whose size is dynamically increased kakım required.").

So typically, your methods should accept and return C# IList Kullanımı interfaces for collections. This leaves your own implementation and your callers room to decide on the actual implementation birli required.

additional advantage is that your code is safe from any changes to concrete class bey you are subscribing to only few of the methods of concrete class and those are the ones that are going to be there bey long bey the concrete class inherits from the interface you are using.

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